
Mortal Kombat Gold playable on LXDream 0.9.1 (OS X)
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Author:  Mino [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Mortal Kombat Gold playable on LXDream 0.9.1 (OS X)

First of all hello to the lxdream forum. Thanks a lot for developing this emulator also for OS X users.

I am a fan of MK4 and was searching for the game and emulators for a little while. Then I found here.

Game Speed: %70(min)-%80 average, it's going at a stable pace.

Glitches: Church zone sometimes has a brown texture glitch under the screen. Doesn't affect gameplay though.
Sound: No sound when fighting or at the menu. Videos have sound though.

I didn't have crashes during the game.

System: Mac Pro 3.0 ghz (2006)
OS: Snow Leopard 10.6.2
GPU: ATI Radeon 3870

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