
Cannot find dcboot.rom for BIOS ROM path Mac OS 10.5.8
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Author:  carlosoblivion [ Wed May 04, 2011 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Cannot find dcboot.rom for BIOS ROM path Mac OS 10.5.8

Hi folks, I installed the lxdream app in my Applications folder and ran the program. I loaded the Dynamite Cop rom (a .cdi file) and clicked the Resume button. I get an Error in LXdream message saying no program is loaded and no bios is configured. Screenshot attached. I checked my preferences path options and the dcflash.rom file is pointing to the right path where the file is located but I cannot find the dcboot.rom file. It is not in the Home/Library/Application Support/Lxdream folder where the dcflash.rom file is. I opened the package contents of the lxdream app in the Applications folder and cannot find it there either. Any ideas? Thanks!

lxdreamerror.jpg [ 26.39 KiB | Viewed 32385 times ]

Author:  gigashadow [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cannot find dcboot.rom for BIOS ROM path Mac OS 10.5.8

I am having the exact same problem. I still don't know the answer although I don't believe macs have bios.

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