Search :: lxdream/test/testide.c
lxdream 0.9.1
released Jun 29
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filename test/testide.c
changeset 263:6f641270b2aa
author nkeynes
date Tue Jan 23 11:19:32 2007 +0000 (17 years ago)
permissions -rw-r--r--
last change Refactor render buffer read/write to pvr2mem.c
Implement 4-bit indexed textures (tentatively)
Fix RGB24 support
view annotate diff log raw
     1 /**
     2  * $Id: testide.c,v 1.6 2007-01-03 09:05:13 nkeynes Exp $
     3  *
     4  * IDE interface test cases. Covers all (known) IDE registers in the 
     5  * 5F7000 - 5F74FF range including DMA, but does not cover any GD-Rom
     6  * device behaviour (ie packet comands).
     7  *
     8  * These tests should be run with the drive empty.
     9  *
    10  * Copyright (c) 2006 Nathan Keynes.
    11  *
    12  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    13  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    14  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    15  * (at your option) any later version.
    16  *
    17  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    20  * GNU General Public License for more details.
    21  */
    23 #include <stdlib.h>
    24 #include <stdio.h>
    25 #include "testdata.h"
    26 #include "lib.h"
    27 #include "ide.h"
    28 #include "asic.h"
    30 unsigned int test_count = 0, test_failures = 0;
    32 #define IDE_BASE 0xA05F7000
    34 #define IDE_ALTSTATUS IDE_BASE+0x018
    35 #define IDE_UNKNOWN   IDE_BASE+0x01C
    36 #define IDE_DATA      IDE_BASE+0x080 /* 16 bits */
    37 #define IDE_FEATURE   IDE_BASE+0x084
    38 #define IDE_COUNT     IDE_BASE+0x088
    39 #define IDE_LBA0      IDE_BASE+0x08C
    40 #define IDE_LBA1      IDE_BASE+0x090
    41 #define IDE_LBA2      IDE_BASE+0x094
    42 #define IDE_DEVICE    IDE_BASE+0x098
    43 #define IDE_COMMAND   IDE_BASE+0x09C
    44 #define IDE_ACTIVATE  IDE_BASE+0x4E4
    46 #define IDE_DISC       IDE_LBA0
    48 #define IDE_ERROR      IDE_FEATURE
    49 #define IDE_STATUS     IDE_COMMAND
    51 #define IDE_DMA_ADDR   IDE_BASE+0x404
    52 #define IDE_DMA_SIZE   IDE_BASE+0x408
    53 #define IDE_DMA_DIR    IDE_BASE+0x40C
    54 #define IDE_DMA_CTL1   IDE_BASE+0x414
    55 #define IDE_DMA_CTL2   IDE_BASE+0x418
    56 #define IDE_DMA_MAGIC  IDE_BASE+0x4B8
    57 #define IDE_DMA_STATUS IDE_BASE+0x4F8
    59 #define CHECK_REG_EQUALS( a, b, c ) if( b != c ) { fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed at %s:%d %s(): expected %08X from register %08X, but was %08X\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, b, a, c ); return -1; }
    61 /* Wait for the standard timeout for an INTRQ. If none is received, print an
    62  * error and return -1
    63  */
    64 #define EXPECT_INTRQ() if( ide_wait_irq() != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Timeout at %s:%d %s(): waiting for INTRQ\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__ ); return -1; }
    66 /* Check if the INTRQ line is currently cleared (ie inactive) */
    67 #define CHECK_INTRQ_CLEAR() if ( (long_read( ASIC_STATUS1 ) & 1) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed at %s:%d %s(): expected INTRQ to be cleared, but was raised.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__ ); return -1; }
    69 #define EXPECT_READY() if( ide_wait_ready() != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Timeout at %s:%d %s(): waiting for BSY flag to clear\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__ ); return -1; }
    71 int check_regs( uint32_t *regs,const char *file, int line, const char *fn ) 
    72 {
    73     int i;
    74     int rv = 0;
    75     for( i=0; regs[i] != 0; i+=2 ) {
    76 	uint32_t addr = regs[i];
    77 	uint32_t val = regs[i+1];
    78 	uint32_t actual;
    79 	if( addr == IDE_DATA ) {
    80 	    actual = (uint32_t)word_read(addr);
    81 	    if( val != actual ) { 
    82 		fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed at %s:%d %s(): expected %04X from register %08X, but was %04X\n", file, line, fn, val, addr, actual ); 
    83 		rv = -1;
    84 	    }
    85 	} else if( addr <= IDE_COMMAND ) {
    86 	    actual = (uint32_t)byte_read(addr);
    87 	    if( val != actual ) { 
    88 		fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed at %s:%d %s(): expected %02X from register %08X, but was %02X\n", file, line, fn, val, addr, actual ); 
    89 		rv = -1;
    90 	    }
    91 	} else {
    92 	    actual = long_read(addr);
    93 	    if( val != actual ) { 
    94 		fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed at %s:%d %s(): expected %08X from register %08X, but was %08X\n", file, line, fn, val, addr, actual ); 
    95 		rv = -1;
    96 	    }
    97 	}
    98     }
    99     return rv;
   100 }
   102 #define CHECK_REGS( r ) if( check_regs(r, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__) != 0 ) { return -1; }
   105 uint32_t post_packet_ready_regs[] = 
   106     { IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0x58,
   107       IDE_COUNT, 0x01,
   108       IDE_LBA1, 8,
   109       IDE_LBA2, 0,
   110       IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   111       IDE_STATUS, 0x58, 0, 0 };
   113 uint32_t post_packet_cmd_regs[] = 
   114     { IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0xD0,
   115       IDE_ERROR, 0x00,
   116       IDE_COUNT, 0x01,
   117       IDE_LBA1, 8,
   118       IDE_LBA2, 0,
   119       IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   120       IDE_STATUS, 0xD0, 0, 0 };
   122 uint32_t packet_cmd_error6_regs[] = 
   123     { IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0x51,
   124       IDE_ERROR, 0x60,
   125       IDE_COUNT, 0x03,
   126       IDE_LBA1, 8,
   127       IDE_LBA2, 0,
   128       IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   129       IDE_STATUS, 0x51, 0, 0 };
   131 uint32_t packet_data_ready_regs[] = 
   132     { IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0x58,
   133       IDE_ERROR, 0x00,
   134       IDE_COUNT, 0x02,
   135       IDE_LBA1, 0x0C,
   136       IDE_LBA2, 0,
   137       IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   138       IDE_STATUS, 0x58, 0, 0 };
   141 uint32_t post_packet_data_regs[] = 
   142     { IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0xD0,
   143       IDE_ERROR, 0x00,
   144       IDE_COUNT, 0x02,
   145       IDE_LBA1, 0x0C,
   146       IDE_LBA2, 0,
   147       IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   148       IDE_STATUS, 0xD0, 0, 0 };
   150 uint32_t packet_complete_regs[] = 
   151     { IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0x50,
   152       IDE_ERROR, 0x00,
   153       IDE_COUNT, 0x03,
   154       IDE_LBA1, 0x0C,
   155       IDE_LBA2, 0,
   156       IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   157       IDE_STATUS, 0x50, 0, 0 };
   159 int send_packet_command( const char *cmd )
   160 {
   161     unsigned short *spkt = (unsigned short *)cmd;
   162     int i;
   164     EXPECT_READY();
   165     byte_write( IDE_FEATURE, 0 );
   166     byte_write( IDE_COUNT, 0 );
   167     byte_write( IDE_LBA0, 0 );
   168     byte_write( IDE_LBA1, 8 );
   169     byte_write( IDE_LBA2, 0 );
   170     byte_write( IDE_DEVICE, 0 );
   171     byte_write( IDE_COMMAND, 0xA0 );
   172     byte_read(IDE_ALTSTATUS); /* delay 1 PIO cycle */
   173     EXPECT_READY(); /* Wait until device is ready to accept command (usually immediate) */
   174     CHECK_INTRQ_CLEAR();
   175     CHECK_REGS( post_packet_ready_regs );
   177     /* Write the command */
   178     for( i=0; i<6; i++ ) {
   179         word_write( IDE_DATA, spkt[i] );
   180     }
   182     byte_read(IDE_ALTSTATUS); 
   184     // CHECK_REGS( post_packet_cmd_regs );
   185     EXPECT_INTRQ();
   186     EXPECT_READY();
   187     return 0;
   188 }
   190 int read_pio( char *buf, int expected_length ) {
   191     uint32_t ready_regs[] = {
   192 	IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0x58,
   193 	IDE_ERROR, 0x00,
   194 	IDE_COUNT, 0x02,
   195 	IDE_LBA1, expected_length & 0xFF,
   196 	IDE_LBA2, (expected_length >> 8),
   197 	IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   198 	IDE_STATUS, 0x58, 
   199 	0, 0 };    
   201     int i;
   202     unsigned short *bufptr = (unsigned short *)buf;
   203     unsigned int length = 0, avail;
   204     int status;
   206     CHECK_REGS( ready_regs );
   207     for( i=0; i<expected_length; i+=2 ) {
   208 	*bufptr++ = word_read(IDE_DATA);
   209     }
   211     EXPECT_INTRQ();
   212     EXPECT_READY();
   213     ready_regs[1] = 0x50;
   214     ready_regs[5] = 0x03;
   215     ready_regs[13] = 0x50;
   216     CHECK_REGS( ready_regs );
   217     return 0;
   218 }
   220 #define IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK( c,e,l ) if( ide_test_packet_ok( __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, c, e, l ) != 0 ) { return -1; }
   221 int ide_test_packet_ok( const char *file, int line, const char *func, 
   222 			const char *cmd, char *expect, int expect_len ) 
   223 {
   224     char buf[expect_len];
   225     int status = send_packet_command(cmd);
   226     if( status != 0 ) {
   227 	return status;
   228     }
   229     status = byte_read( IDE_ALTSTATUS );
   230     if( status & 1 ) { /* Error */
   231 	status = ide_get_sense_code();
   232 	fprintf( stderr, "Assertion failed at %s:%d %s(): Unexpected error %04X\n",
   233 		 file, line, func, status );
   234 	return -1;
   235     }
   237     status = read_pio( buf, expect_len );
   238     if( status != 0 ) {
   239 	return status;
   240     }
   241     if( expect != NULL && memcmp( expect, buf, expect_len ) != 0 ) {
   242 	fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed at %s:%d %s(): Results differ from expected:\n",file,line,func );
   243 	fwrite_diff( stderr, expect, expect_len, buf, expect_len );
   244 	return -1;
   245     }
   246     return 0;
   247 }
   249 #define IDE_TEST_PACKET_ERROR( c,e ) if( ide_test_packet_error( __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, c, e ) != 0 ) { return -1; }
   250 int ide_test_packet_error( char *file, int line, char *func,
   251 			   char *cmd, int expect_error )
   252 {
   253     uint32_t error_regs[] = 
   254     { IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0x51,
   255       IDE_ERROR, (expect_error & 0x0F)<<4,
   256       IDE_COUNT, 0x03,
   257       IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   258       IDE_STATUS, 0x51, 0, 0 };
   259     uint32_t error_code;
   260     int status = send_packet_command(cmd);
   261     if( status != 0 ) {
   262 	return status;
   263     }
   264     CHECK_REGS(error_regs);
   265     error_code = ide_get_sense_code();
   266     CHECK_IEQUALS( expect_error, error_code );
   268     return 0;
   269 }
   272 uint32_t abort_regs[] = {
   273     IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0x51,
   274     IDE_ERROR, 0x04,
   275     IDE_COUNT, 0x02,
   276     IDE_LBA1, 0x00,
   277     IDE_LBA2, 0x50,
   278     IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   279     IDE_DATA, 0x0000,
   280     IDE_STATUS, 0x51, 
   281     0, 0 };
   283 uint32_t post_reset_regs[] = {
   284     IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0x00,
   285     IDE_ERROR, 0x01,
   286     IDE_COUNT, 0x01,
   287     IDE_LBA1, 0x14,
   288     IDE_LBA2, 0xEB,
   289     IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   290     IDE_DATA, 0xFFFF,
   291     IDE_STATUS, 0x00, 
   292     0, 0 };
   294 uint32_t post_set_feature_regs[] = {
   295     IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0x50,
   296     IDE_ERROR, 0x00,
   297     IDE_COUNT, 0x0B,
   298     IDE_LBA1, 0x00,
   299     IDE_LBA2, 0x00,
   300     IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   301     IDE_DATA, 0xFFFF,
   302     IDE_STATUS, 0x50, 
   303     0, 0 };    
   305 uint32_t post_set_feature2_regs[] = {
   306     IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0x50,
   307     IDE_ERROR, 0x00,
   308     IDE_COUNT, 0x22,
   309     IDE_LBA1, 0x00,
   310     IDE_LBA2, 0x00,
   311     IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   312     IDE_DATA, 0xFFFF,
   313     IDE_STATUS, 0x50, 
   314     0, 0 };    
   316 /************************** Interface Tests *******************************/
   318 /**
   319  * Test enable/disable of the IDE interface via port
   320  * 0x4E4. 
   321  */
   322 int test_enable()
   323 {
   324     int i;
   325     int failed = 0;
   326     /* ensure deactivated */
   327     long_write( IDE_ACTIVATE, 0x00042FE );
   329     /* test registers to ensure all return 0xFF (need to wait a few cycles?) */
   330     for( i= IDE_BASE; i< IDE_BASE+0x400; i+= 4 ) {
   331 	CHECK_REG_EQUALS( i, 0xFFFFFFFF, long_read( i ) );
   332     }
   334     /* enable interface */
   335     ide_activate();
   337     /* test registers have default settings */
   338     //    CHECK_REGS( post_reset_regs );
   341     /* disable interface and re-test */
   342     long_write( IDE_ACTIVATE, 0x00042FE );
   344     /* Test registers all 0xFF */
   345     for( i= IDE_BASE; i< IDE_BASE+0x400; i+= 4 ) {
   346 	CHECK_REG_EQUALS( i, 0xFFFFFFFF, long_read( i ) );
   347     }
   349     /* Finally leave the interface in an enabled state */
   350     ide_activate();
   351     return 0;
   352 }
   355 uint32_t drive_ready_regs[] = {
   356     IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0x50,
   357     IDE_ERROR, 0x00,
   358     IDE_COUNT, 0x03,
   359     IDE_LBA1, 0x08,
   360     IDE_LBA2, 0x00,
   361     IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   362     IDE_DATA, 0xFFFF,
   363     IDE_STATUS, 0x50, 
   364     0, 0 };    
   366 /**
   367  * Test the reset command
   368  */
   369 int test_reset()
   370 {
   371     byte_write( IDE_COMMAND, 0x08 );
   372     EXPECT_READY();
   373     CHECK_INTRQ_CLEAR();
   374     CHECK_REGS( post_reset_regs );
   376     /** Set Default PIO mode */
   377     byte_write( IDE_FEATURE, 0x03 );
   378     byte_write( IDE_COUNT, 0x0B );
   379     byte_write( IDE_COMMAND, 0xEF );
   380     EXPECT_READY();
   381     CHECK_REGS( post_set_feature_regs );
   383     /** Set Multi-word DMA mode 2 */
   384     long_write( 0xA05F7490, 0x222 );
   385     long_write( 0xA05F7494, 0x222 );
   386     byte_write( IDE_FEATURE, 0x03 );
   387     byte_write( IDE_COUNT, 0x22 );
   388     byte_write( IDE_COMMAND, 0xEF );
   389     EXPECT_READY();
   390     CHECK_INTRQ_CLEAR();
   391     CHECK_REGS( post_set_feature2_regs );
   393     char test_ready_cmd[12] = { 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0 };
   394     if( send_packet_command(test_ready_cmd) != 0 ) {
   395 	return -1;
   396     }
   398     CHECK_REGS( packet_cmd_error6_regs );
   399     int sense = ide_get_sense_code();
   400     CHECK_IEQUALS( 0x2906, sense );
   402     if( send_packet_command(test_ready_cmd) != 0 ) {
   403 	return -1;
   404     }
   405     CHECK_REGS( drive_ready_regs );
   406     return 0;
   407 }
   409 char expect_ident[] = { 0x00, 0xb4, 0x19, 0x00,
   410 			0x00, 0x08, 0x53, 0x45, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20 };
   412 /**
   413  * Test the PACKET command (using the Inquiry command)
   414  */
   415 int test_packet()
   416 {
   417     int i;
   418     char cmd[12] = { 0x11, 0, 4, 0,  12, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 0 };
   419     // char cmd[12] = { 0x00,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0 };
   420     unsigned short *spkt;
   421     char result[12];
   423     send_packet_command( cmd );
   424     CHECK_REGS( packet_data_ready_regs );
   425     spkt = (unsigned short *)result;
   426     *spkt++ = word_read(IDE_DATA);
   427     *spkt++ = word_read(IDE_DATA);
   428     *spkt++ = word_read(IDE_DATA);
   429     *spkt++ = word_read(IDE_DATA);
   430     CHECK_REGS( packet_data_ready_regs );
   431     *spkt++ = word_read(IDE_DATA);
   432     *spkt++ = word_read(IDE_DATA);
   433 //    CHECK_REGS( post_packet_data_regs );
   434     EXPECT_READY();
   435     EXPECT_INTRQ();
   436     CHECK_REGS( packet_complete_regs );
   438     if( memcmp( result, expect_ident, 12 ) != 0 ) {
   439 	fwrite_diff( stderr, expect_ident, 12, result, 12 );
   440 	return -1;
   441     }
   442     return 0;
   443 }
   445 /**
   446  * Test the SET FEATURE command
   447  */
   448 int test_set_feature()
   449 {
   450     return 0;
   451 }
   455 /**
   456  * Test DMA transfer (using the Inquiry packet comand)
   457  */
   458 int test_dma()
   459 {
   460     return 0;
   461 }
   463 /**
   464  * Test DMA abort
   465  */
   466 int test_dma_abort()
   467 {
   468     return 0;
   469 }
   471 /***************************** GD-Rom Tests **********************************/
   473 int test_read_toc()
   474 {
   475     char cmd[12] = { 0x14,0,0,0x00, 0x0C,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0 };
   476     char expect[12] = { 0x41, 0,0, 0x96, 0x41, 0, 0x2E, 0x4C, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF };
   478     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK( cmd, expect, 12 );
   479     return 0;
   480 }
   482 int test_read_pio()
   483 {
   484     int i,j;
   485     char cmd[12] = {0x30, 0x28, 0, 0x2E,  0x4C, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 7, 0 };
   486     uint32_t read_pio_ready_regs[] = 
   487 	{ IDE_ALTSTATUS, 0x58,
   488 	  IDE_ERROR, 0x00,
   489 	  IDE_COUNT, 0x02,
   490 	  IDE_LBA1, 0x00,
   491 	  IDE_LBA2, 0x08,
   492 	  IDE_DEVICE, 0,
   493 	  IDE_STATUS, 0x58, 0, 0 };
   495     if( send_packet_command(cmd) != 0 ) {
   496 	return -1;
   497     }
   499     for( j=0; j<7; j++ ) {
   500 	CHECK_REGS(read_pio_ready_regs);
   502 	for( i=0; i<0x0800; i+=2 ) {
   503 	    word_read(IDE_DATA); // throw away for now.
   504 	}
   506 	EXPECT_INTRQ();
   507 	EXPECT_READY();
   508     }
   510     read_pio_ready_regs[1] = 0x50;
   511     read_pio_ready_regs[5] = 0x03;
   512     read_pio_ready_regs[13] = 0x50;
   513     CHECK_REGS( read_pio_ready_regs );
   514     return 0;
   515 }
   517 /**
   518  * Test interaction of Read CD (0x30) with Status (0x40,1)
   519  */
   520 int test_status1() 
   521 {
   522     char cmd[12] = { 0x40, 0x01, 0, 0, 16,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0 };
   523     char read1cmd[12] = { 0x30, 0x28, 0, 0x2E, 0x4C, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,1,0 };
   524     char expect1[16] = { 0,0x15,0,0x0E, 0x41,2,1,0, 0,1,0,0, 0x2E,0x4D,0,0 };
   525     char read2cmd[12] = { 0x30, 0x28, 0, 0x2E, 0x4D, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,1,0 };
   526     char expect2[16] = { 0,0x15,0,0x0E, 0x41,2,1,0, 0,4,0,0, 0x2E,0x50,0,0 };
   527     char read3cmd[12] = { 0x30, 0x28, 0, 0x2E, 0x4E, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,1,0 };
   528     char expect3[16] = { 0,0x15,0,0x0E, 0x41,2,1,0, 0,5,0,0, 0x2E,0x51,0,0 };
   529     char expect4[16] = { 0,0x15,0,0x0E, 0x41,2,1,0, 0,2,0,0, 0x2E,0x4E,0,0 };
   530     char read5cmd[12] = { 0x30, 0x28, 0, 0x2F, 0x01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,1,0 };
   531     char expect5[16] = { 0,0x15,0,0x0E, 0x41,2,1,0, 0,0xB6,0,0, 0x2F,0x02,0,0 };
   532     char read6cmd[12] = { 0x30, 0x28, 0, 0x2F, 0x50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,1,0 };
   533     char expect6[16] = { 0,0x15,0,0x0E, 0x41,2,1,0, 0x01,0x05,0,0, 0x2F,0x51,0,0 };
   534     char read7cmd[12] = { 0x30, 0x28, 0, 0x2F, 0x51, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,1,0 };
   535     char expect7[16] = { 0,0x15,0,0x0E, 0x41,2,1,0, 0x01,0x06,0,0, 0x2F,0x52,0,0 };
   538     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK(read1cmd, NULL, 2048);
   539     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK(cmd, expect1, 14 );
   540     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK(read2cmd, NULL, 2048);
   541     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK(cmd, expect2, 14 );
   542     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK(read3cmd, NULL, 2048);
   543     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK(cmd, expect3, 14 );
   544     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK(read2cmd, NULL, 2048);
   545     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK(cmd, expect4, 14 );
   546     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK(read5cmd, NULL, 2048);
   547     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK(cmd, expect5, 14 );
   548     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK(read6cmd, NULL, 2048);
   549     IDE_TEST_PACKET_OK(cmd, expect6, 14 );
   551     return 0;
   552 }
   554 /********************************* Main **************************************/
   556 test_func_t test_fns[] = { test_enable, test_reset, test_packet,
   557 			   test_dma, test_dma_abort, test_read_pio,
   558 			   test_read_toc,
   559 			   test_status1, NULL };
   561 int main() 
   562 {
   563     int i;
   564     ide_init();
   565     return run_tests( test_fns );
   566 }