Search :: lxdream/src/config.c
lxdream 0.9.1
released Jun 29
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filename src/config.c
changeset 724:f2bc1c7cca14
author nkeynes
date Sun Jul 06 05:30:32 2008 +0000 (15 years ago)
permissions -rw-r--r--
last change Add register defns for sort DMA
Add register defn for 005F81AC to match the test
view annotate diff log raw
     1 /**
     2  * $Id$
     3  *
     4  * User configuration support
     5  *
     6  * Copyright (c) 2005 Nathan Keynes.
     7  *
     8  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     9  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    10  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    11  * (at your option) any later version.
    12  *
    13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    16  * GNU General Public License for more details.
    17  */
    19 #include <unistd.h>
    20 #include <stdio.h>
    21 #include <errno.h>
    22 #include <stdlib.h>
    23 #include <string.h>
    24 #include <glib/gmem.h>
    25 #include <glib/gstrfuncs.h>
    26 #include "dream.h"
    27 #include "config.h"
    28 #include "maple/maple.h"
    31 extern struct lxdream_config_entry alsa_config[];
    33 gboolean lxdream_load_config_file( const gchar *filename );
    34 gboolean lxdream_save_config_file( const gchar *filename );
    35 gboolean lxdream_load_config_stream( FILE *f );
    36 gboolean lxdream_save_config_stream( FILE *f );
    38 static struct lxdream_config_entry global_config[] =
    39     {{ "bios", N_("Bios ROM"), CONFIG_TYPE_FILE, "dcboot.rom" },
    40      { "flash", N_("Flash ROM"), CONFIG_TYPE_FILE, "dcflash.rom" },
    41      { "default path", N_("Default disc path"), CONFIG_TYPE_PATH, "." },
    42      { "save path", N_("Save-state path"), CONFIG_TYPE_PATH, "save" },
    43      { "bootstrap", N_("Bootstrap IP.BIN"), CONFIG_TYPE_FILE, "IP.BIN" },
    44      { "gdrom", NULL, CONFIG_TYPE_FILE, NULL },
    45      { "recent", NULL, CONFIG_TYPE_FILE, NULL },
    46      { NULL, CONFIG_TYPE_NONE }};
    48 static struct lxdream_config_entry serial_config[] =
    49     {{ "device", N_("Serial device"), CONFIG_TYPE_FILE, "/dev/ttyS1" },
    50      { NULL, CONFIG_TYPE_NONE }};
    52 struct lxdream_config_group lxdream_config_root[] = 
    53     {{ "global", global_config },
    54      { "controllers", NULL },
    55      { "serial", serial_config },
    56 #ifdef HAVE_ALSA
    57      { "alsa", alsa_config },
    58 #endif
    59      { NULL, CONFIG_TYPE_NONE }};
    61 static gchar *lxdream_config_load_filename = NULL;
    62 static gchar *lxdream_config_save_filename = NULL;
    64 gboolean lxdream_find_config()
    65 {
    66     gboolean result = TRUE;
    67     char *home = getenv("HOME");
    68     if( lxdream_config_save_filename == NULL ) {
    69 	lxdream_config_save_filename = g_strdup_printf("%s/.%s", home, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME);
    70     }
    71     if( lxdream_config_load_filename == NULL ) {
    72 	if( access(lxdream_config_save_filename, R_OK) == 0 ) {
    73 	    lxdream_config_load_filename = g_strdup(lxdream_config_save_filename);
    74 	} else if( access( PACKAGE_CONF_DIR "/" DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME, R_OK ) == 0 ) {
    75 	    lxdream_config_load_filename = g_strdup(PACKAGE_CONF_DIR "/" DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME);
    76 	} else if( access( "./" DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME, R_OK ) == 0 ) {
    77 	    lxdream_config_load_filename = g_strdup("./" DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME);
    78 	} else {
    79 	    lxdream_config_load_filename = g_strdup(lxdream_config_save_filename);
    80 	    result = FALSE;
    81 	}	
    82     }
    83     return result;
    84 }
    86 void lxdream_set_config_filename( const gchar *filename )
    87 {
    88     if( lxdream_config_load_filename != NULL ) {
    89 	g_free(lxdream_config_load_filename);
    90     }
    91     lxdream_config_load_filename = g_strdup(filename);
    92     if( lxdream_config_save_filename != NULL ) {
    93 	g_free(lxdream_config_save_filename);
    94     }
    95     lxdream_config_save_filename = g_strdup(filename);
    96 }
    98 void lxdream_set_default_config( )
    99 {
   100     struct lxdream_config_group *group = lxdream_config_root;
   101     while( group->key != NULL ) {
   102 	struct lxdream_config_entry *param = group->params;
   103 	if( param != NULL ) {
   104 	    while( param->key != NULL ) {
   105 		if( param->value != param->default_value ) {
   106 		    if( param->value != NULL )
   107 			free( param->value );
   108 		    param->value = (gchar *)param->default_value;
   109 		}
   110 		param++;
   111 	    }
   112 	}
   113 	group++;
   114     }
   115     maple_detach_all();
   116 }
   118 const gchar *lxdream_get_config_value( int key )
   119 {
   120     return global_config[key].value;
   121 }
   123 void lxdream_set_config_value( lxdream_config_entry_t param, const gchar *value )
   124 {
   125     if( param->value != value ) {
   126 	if( param->value != param->default_value && param->value != NULL ) {
   127 	    free( param->value );
   128 	}
   129 	param->value = g_strdup(value);
   130     }
   131 }
   133 void lxdream_set_global_config_value( int key, const gchar *value )
   134 {
   135     lxdream_set_config_value(&global_config[key], value);
   136 }
   138 const lxdream_config_entry_t lxdream_get_config_entry( int key )
   139 {
   140     return &global_config[key];
   141 }
   143 gboolean lxdream_set_group_value( lxdream_config_group_t group, const gchar *key, const gchar *value )
   144 {
   145     int i;
   146     for( i=0; group->params[i].key != NULL; i++ ) {
   147 	if( strcasecmp( group->params[i].key, key ) == 0 ) {
   148 	    lxdream_set_config_value( &group->params[i], value );
   149 	    return TRUE;
   150 	}
   151     }
   152     return FALSE;
   153 }
   155 void lxdream_copy_config_list( lxdream_config_entry_t dest, lxdream_config_entry_t src )
   156 {
   157     int i;
   158     for( i=0; src[i].key != NULL; i++ ) {
   159 	lxdream_set_config_value( &dest[i], src[i].value );
   160     }
   161 }
   163 gboolean lxdream_load_config( )
   164 {
   165     if( lxdream_config_load_filename == NULL ) {
   166 	lxdream_find_config();
   167     }
   168     return lxdream_load_config_file(lxdream_config_load_filename);
   169 }
   171 gboolean lxdream_save_config( )
   172 {
   173     if( lxdream_config_save_filename == NULL ) {
   174 	lxdream_find_config();
   175     }
   176     return lxdream_save_config_file(lxdream_config_save_filename);
   177 }
   179 gboolean lxdream_load_config_file( const gchar *filename )
   180 {
   181     FILE *f;
   182     gboolean result;
   184     if( access(filename, F_OK) != 0 ) {
   185 	INFO( "Configuration file '%s' does not exist, creating from defaults" );
   186 	lxdream_set_default_config();
   187 	lxdream_save_config();
   188     }
   190     f = fopen(filename, "ro");
   191     if( f == NULL ) {
   192 	ERROR( "Unable to open configuration file '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno) );
   193 	lxdream_set_default_config();
   194 	return FALSE;
   195     }
   197     result = lxdream_load_config_stream( f );
   198     fclose(f);
   199     return result;
   200 }
   202 gboolean lxdream_load_config_stream( FILE *f )
   203 {
   205     char buf[512];
   206     int maple_device = -1, maple_subdevice = -1;
   207     struct lxdream_config_group devgroup;
   208     struct lxdream_config_group *group = NULL;
   209     maple_device_t device = NULL;
   210     lxdream_set_default_config();
   212     while( fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), f ) != NULL ) {
   213 	g_strstrip(buf);
   214 	if( buf[0] == '#' )
   215 	    continue;
   216 	if( *buf == '[' ) {
   217 	    char *p = strchr(buf, ']');
   218 	    if( p != NULL ) {
   219 		struct lxdream_config_group *tmp_group;
   220 		maple_device = maple_subdevice = -1;
   221 		*p = '\0';
   222 		g_strstrip(buf+1);
   223 		tmp_group = &lxdream_config_root[0];
   224 		while( tmp_group->key != NULL ) {
   225 		    if( strcasecmp(tmp_group->key, buf+1) == 0 ) {
   226 			group = tmp_group;
   227 			break;
   228 		    }
   229 		    tmp_group++;
   230 		}
   231 	    }
   232 	} else if( group != NULL ) {
   233 	    char *value = strchr( buf, '=' );
   234 	    if( value != NULL ) {
   235 		struct lxdream_config_entry *param = group->params;
   236 		*value = '\0';
   237 		value++;
   238 		g_strstrip(buf);
   239 		g_strstrip(value);
   240 		if( strcmp(group->key,"controllers") == 0  ) {
   241 		    if( g_strncasecmp( buf, "device ", 7 ) == 0 ) {
   242 			maple_device = strtoul( buf+7, NULL, 0 );
   243 			if( maple_device < 0 || maple_device > 3 ) {
   244 			    ERROR( "Device number must be between 0..3 (not '%s')", buf+7);
   245 			    continue;
   246 			}
   247 			maple_subdevice = 0;
   248 			device = maple_new_device( value );
   249 			if( device == NULL ) {
   250 			    ERROR( "Unrecognized device '%s'", value );
   251 			} else {
   252 			    devgroup.key = "controllers";
   253 			    devgroup.params = maple_get_device_config(device);
   254 			    maple_attach_device( device, maple_device, maple_subdevice );
   255 			    group = &devgroup;
   256 			}
   257 			continue;
   258 		    } else if( g_strncasecmp( buf, "subdevice ", 10 ) == 0 ) {
   259 			maple_subdevice = strtoul( buf+10, NULL, 0 );
   260 			if( maple_device == -1 ) {
   261 			    ERROR( "Subdevice not allowed without primary device" );
   262 			} else if( maple_subdevice < 1 || maple_subdevice > 5 ) {
   263 			    ERROR( "Subdevice must be between 1..5 (not '%s')", buf+10 );
   264 			} else if( (device = maple_new_device(value)) == NULL ) {
   265 			    ERROR( "Unrecognized subdevice '%s'", value );
   266 			} else {
   267 			    devgroup.key = "controllers";
   268 			    devgroup.params = maple_get_device_config(device);
   269 			    maple_attach_device( device, maple_device, maple_subdevice );
   270 			    group = &devgroup;
   271 			}
   272 			continue;
   273 		    }
   274 		}
   275 		while( param->key != NULL ) {
   276 		    if( strcasecmp( param->key, buf ) == 0 ) {
   277 			param->value = g_strdup(value);
   278 			break;
   279 		    }
   280 		    param++;
   281 		}
   282 	    }
   283 	}
   284     }
   285     return TRUE;
   286 }
   288 gboolean lxdream_save_config_file( const gchar *filename )
   289 {
   290     FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wo");
   291     gboolean result;
   292     if( f == NULL ) {
   293 	ERROR( "Unable to open '%s': %s", filename, strerror(errno) );
   294 	return FALSE;
   295     }
   296     result = lxdream_save_config_stream(f);
   297     fclose(f);
   298     return TRUE;
   299 }    
   301 gboolean lxdream_save_config_stream( FILE *f )
   302 {
   303     struct lxdream_config_group *group = &lxdream_config_root[0];
   305     while( group->key != NULL ) {
   306 	struct lxdream_config_entry *entry = group->params;
   307 	fprintf( f, "[%s]\n", group->key );
   309 	if( entry != NULL ) {
   310 	    while( entry->key != NULL ) {
   311 		if( entry->value != NULL ) {
   312 		    fprintf( f, "%s = %s\n", entry->key, entry->value );
   313 		}
   314 		entry++;
   315 	    }
   316 	} else if( strcmp(group->key, "controllers") == 0 ) {
   317 	    int i,j;
   318 	    for( i=0; i<4; i++ ) {
   319 		for( j=0; j<6; j++ ) {
   320 		    maple_device_t dev = maple_get_device( i, j );
   321 		    if( dev != NULL ) {
   322 			if( j == 0 )
   323 			    fprintf( f, "Device %d = %s\n", i, dev->device_class->name );
   324 			else 
   325 			    fprintf( f, "Subdevice %d = %s\n", j, dev->device_class->name );
   326 			if( dev->get_config != NULL && ((entry = dev->get_config(dev)) != NULL) ) {
   327 			    while( entry->key != NULL ) {
   328 				if( entry->value != NULL ) {
   329 				    fprintf( f, "%*c%s = %s\n", j==0?4:8, ' ',entry->key, entry->value );
   330 				}
   331 				entry++;
   332 			    }
   333 			}
   334 		    }
   335 		}
   336 	    }
   337 	}
   338 	fprintf( f, "\n" );
   339 	group++;
   340     }
   341     return TRUE;
   342 }