Search :: lxdream/test/sh4/tlb.s
lxdream 0.9.1
released Jun 29
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filename test/sh4/tlb.s
changeset 586:2a3ba82cf243
author nkeynes
date Thu Dec 11 23:26:03 2008 +0000 (15 years ago)
permissions -rw-r--r--
last change Disable the generational translation cache - I've got no evidence that it
actually helps performance, and it simplifies things to get rid of it (in
particular, translated code doesn't have to worry about being moved now).
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     1 .section .text
     2 .include "sh4/inc.s"
     3 !
     4 ! Test for correct UTLB operation.
     5 ! 
     6 ! Note we don't test triggering a TLB multiple-hit exception - it's a reset
     7 ! rather than a regular exception.
     9 .global _test_tlb
    10 _test_tlb:
    11 	start_test
    13 ! Turn on AT, and flush the current TLB (if any)
    14 ! Initialize to SV=0, SQMD=0, URB=URC=LRUI=0
    15 	mov.l test_tlb_mmucr, r0
    16 	mov #5, r1
    17 	mov.l r1, @r0
    19 ! Privileged mode tests first (much easier)
    20 	add #1, r12
    21 	mov.l test_tlb1_pteh, r1
    22 	mov.l test_tlb_pteh, r2
    23 	mov.l r1, @r2
    24 	mov.l test_tlb1_ptel, r1
    25 	mov.l test_tlb_ptel, r2
    26 	mov.l r1, @r2
    27 	ldtlb
    29 ! Simple read
    30 	mov.l test_tlb1_direct, r3
    31 	mov #42, r2
    32 	mov.l r2, @r3
    33 	mov.l test_tlb1_mmu, r0
    34 	mov.l @r0, r1
    35 	cmp/eq r1, r2
    36 	bt test_tlb_2
    37 	fail test_tlb_str_k
    38 	bra test_tlb_2
    39 	nop
    40 test_tlb1_pteh:
    41 	.long 0x12345012
    42 test_tlb1_ptel:
    43 	.long 0x005F8120
    45 test_tlb_2:		
    46 	! Trigger an initial-page-write exception
    47 	add #1, r12
    48 	expect_exc 0x00000080
    49 	mov.l test_tlb1_mmu, r0
    50 test_tlb2_exc:	
    51 	mov.l r0, @r0
    52 	assert_tlb_exc_caught test_tlb_str_k test_tlb2_exc test_tlb1_mmu
    54 test_tlb_3:
    55 	! Trigger a missing page read exception by invalidation
    56 	add #1, r12
    57 	mov.l test_tlb3_addr, r1
    58 	mov.l test_tlb3_data, r2
    59 	mov.l r2, @r1
    61 	expect_exc 0x00000040
    62 	mov.l test_tlb1_mmu, r0
    63 test_tlb3_exc:
    64 	mov.l @r0, r2
    65 	assert_tlb_exc_caught test_tlb_str_k, test_tlb3_exc, test_tlb1_mmu
    66 	bra test_tlb_4
    67 	nop
    69 test_tlb3_addr:
    70 	.long 0xF6000F80
    71 test_tlb3_data:
    72 	.long 0x12345212
    74 test_tlb_4:
    75 	! Test missing page write exception on the same page
    76 	add #1, r12
    77 	expect_exc 0x00000060
    78 	mov.l test_tlb1_mmu, r0
    79 test_tlb4_exc:
    80 	mov.l r2, @r0
    81 	assert_tlb_exc_caught test_tlb_str_k, test_tlb4_exc, test_tlb1_mmu
    83 test_tlb_5: ! Test initial write exception
    84 	add #1, r12
    86 	mov.l test_tlb5_addr, r1
    87 	mov.l test_tlb5_data, r2
    88 	mov.l r2, @r1
    90 	expect_exc 0x00000080
    91 	mov.l test_tlb1_mmu, r0
    92 	mov #63, r3
    93 test_tlb5_exc:
    94 	mov.l r3, @r0
    95 	assert_tlb_exc_caught test_tlb_str_k, test_tlb5_exc, test_tlb1_mmu
    96 	mov.l test_tlb1_direct, r3
    97 	mov.l @r3, r4
    98 	mov #42, r2
    99 	cmp/eq r2, r4
   100 	bf test_tlb5_fail
   101 	mov.l test_tlb1_mmu, r0
   102 	mov.l @r0, r3
   103 	cmp/eq r2, r3
   104 	bt test_tlb_6
   105 test_tlb5_fail:
   106 	fail test_tlb_str_k
   108 test_tlb5_addr:
   109 	.long 0xF6000000
   110 test_tlb5_data:
   111 	.long 0x12345112
   113 test_tlb_6:! Test successful write.
   114 	add #1, r12
   116 	mov.l test_tlb6_addr, r1
   117 	mov.l test_tlb6_data, r2
   118 	mov.l r2, @r1
   120 	mov.l test_tlb1_mmu, r0
   121 	mov #77, r3
   122 	mov.l r3, @r0
   123 	mov.l test_tlb1_direct, r1
   124 	mov.l @r1, r2
   125 	cmp/eq r2, r3
   126 	bt test_tlb_7
   127 	fail test_tlb_str_k
   128 	bra test_tlb_7
   129 	nop
   131 test_tlb_7:	
   132 	bra test_tlb_end
   133 	nop
   135 test_tlb6_addr:
   136 	.long 0xF6000F80
   137 test_tlb6_data:
   138 	.long 0x12345312
   141 test_tlb1_mmu:
   142 	.long 0x12345040
   143 test_tlb1_direct:
   144 	.long 0xA05F8040  ! Display border colour
   146 test_tlb_end:
   147 	xor r0, r0
   148 	mov.l test_tlb_mmucr, r1
   149 	mov.l r0, @r1
   151 	end_test test_tlb_str_k
   153 test_tlb_mmucr:
   154 	.long 0xFF000010
   155 test_tlb_pteh:
   156 	.long 0xFF000000
   157 test_tlb_ptel:
   158 	.long 0xFF000004
   159 test_tlb_tea:
   160 	.long 0xFF00000C
   161 test_tlb_str:
   162 	.string "TLB"
   163 .align 4
   164 test_tlb_str_k:
   165 	.long test_tlb_str