Search :: lxdream :: shortlog
lxdream 0.9.1
released Jun 29
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544:3c3a4bd7717816 yearsnkeynesAdd prototype for dreamcast_program_loaded (missed previous commit)
543:361ec0a70cf216 yearsnkeynesRe-add "Load Binary" menu item (misplaced in GUI rewrite)
542:96c5494e02fd16 yearsnkeynesLink the X GL as well as the framework one - this probably shouldn't work, and yet it seems to be fine...
541:6986c644d58a16 yearsnkeynesAdd config guard around GTK display device
540:a3767018a96d16 yearsnkeynesSupport darwin OpenGL/* headers as well as the more usual GL/*
539:75f3e594d4a716 yearsnkeynesAdd support for the darwin ABI
538:7f176617a96816 yearsnkeynesFix program/shader types
537:d924be49e19216 yearsnkeynesMove gtk UI into gtkui subdir (prep for non-gtk builds), and protect with
536:d3a65d75b5ae16 yearsnkeynesDowngrade "ARM halted" error to a warning (durn demos...)
535:7338e020b09b16 yearsnkeynesRearrange logging slightly, fixes output on x86-64
534:b936e530fabb16 yearsnkeynesDrop default debugger window size down a notch
533:9764673fd4a516 yearsnkeynesFix TRAPA (translator) and add test case
532:43653e74803016 yearsnkeynesFix PREF for x86-64, add load_ptr macro
531:f0fee3ba71d116 yearsnkeynesMove name-to-driver mappings to display.c and audio.c respectively
530:28bdc62e642a16 yearsnkeynesHandle inability to connect the X server a little more cleanly
529:06ffbecc726216 yearsnkeynesMake esound optional (only build driver if present)
528:49cb007348aa16 yearsnkeynesChange SH4_TRANSLATOR to use defined constants
527:14c9489f647e16 yearsnkeynesx86-64 translator work-in-progress
526:ba3da45b575416 yearsnkeynesDon't build the translator if the architecture is unsupported. Also tidy things up a little to allow (theoretically) different translators to be selected at build time.
525:eec1fd69a42c16 yearsnkeynesAdd config.guess, config.sub files
524:96c0ee659cba16 yearsnkeynesMove the failing TA tests into a separate file for now - there's a bug about
523:f33381d87c2a16 yearsnkeynesSkip over the "undefined" instructions that actually pass on the SH4 - leaving
522:791d2f0fb7e716 yearsnkeynesReturn the number of failed tests (ie 0 = success)
521:33d2d92784c716 yearsnkeynesDetect presence of SH4 + ARM cross-compilers, and disable the system tests if
520:7d6f8584897f16 yearsnkeynesMove native cd drivers under the drivers directory
519:ef9a7f17640116 yearsnkeynesAdd initial debian control files
518:6b832cf6bd3f16 yearsnkeynesUpdate test Makefile
517:8191f0d305cb16 yearsnkeynesInstall lxdreamrc in $sysconfdir
516:71a2cf942f1716 yearsnkeynesEnsure gendec and genglsl aren't installed
515:5e5bb1dd369e16 yearsnkeynesFix compilation of the unit tests
514:97f7e4bb2b5416 yearsnkeynesAdd support for NRG 5.5+ images
513:ae1dea71613d16 yearsnkeynesAdd support for CDI V4
512:682c407dd11716 yearsnkeynesFix default fields
511:e02fb1af6fff16 yearsnkeynesFix validation of render buffer count when loading save state
510:41ce7a074f4e16 yearsnkeynesUse an explicit 32-bit type for region flags (save-file compatibility)
509:d72564edc48216 yearsnkeynesAdd portugese and german translations (thanks to GT and TK)
508:ccd2c10edfe616 yearsnkeynesTag translatable strings
507:4de0a4149afa16 yearsnkeynesInclude the generated config.h - might want to change this later
506:3426a1ced1aa16 yearsnkeynesAdd dialog files
505:ab23c9a8992016 yearsnkeynesUpdate to include the current GUI source files
504:61afb3921c4a16 yearsnkeynesFix ptr->int conversions for 64bit lxdream_0_8_1
503:36a668469e3716 yearsnkeynesUpdate name + version numbers
502:c4ecae2b1b5e16 yearsnkeynesAdd sh4ptr_t type, start converting bare pointer refs to it
501:41328c68bd7316 yearsnkeynesAdd elf.h for non-libc users
500:848e66eee41816 yearsnkeynesFix output formats
499:14b86c78d11116 yearsnkeynesAdd some required extern methods
498:10d5ba99a77816 yearsnkeynesPreliminary support for raw sectors in image files
497:cd6e10c2e96b16 yearsnkeynesTweak fullscreen handling to ensure safety in the event of wm misbehaviour
496:5c5c98f3bdd516 yearsnkeynesFix typo in MOV.L @(disp, Rm), Rn
495:4db4702b077816 yearsnkeynesAdd crash handler to get a backtrace via gdb
494:67c133a1740016 yearsnkeynesSkip over 0x00000700 commands until we get to a real command
493:c8183f888b1416 yearsnkeynesImplement mode select command
492:84e33e4dda1c16 yearsnkeynesIssue #37: Add nulldc GDI format
491:515c8162494316 yearsnkeynesAdd mkinstalldirs
490:1e0f9940e06416 yearsnkeynesFix pointer=>int conversions to use intptr_t types
489:45c8ddcf52cb16 yearsnkeynesTest for presence of linux/cdrom.h at configure time, and only build the
488:d19a63e47cd916 yearsnkeynesChange MAP_ANONYMOUS to MAP_ANON for bsd compatibility
487:b34abd796f5e16 yearsnkeynesBail out if libGL or zlib isn't found (they're somewhat compulsory)
486:9af294489aad16 yearsnkeynesImplement (fairly naive) fullscreen mode
485:dfa6bd020c1116 yearsnkeynesRemove gnome.h lxdream_0_8